Object stability in Augmented Reality using Javascript depends on marker/webcam moment. https://aframe.io/blog/arjs/#move-the-camera-or-the-marker
Sample18 Using marker camera <a-marker-camera>. camera is moving and the marker is static
Sample19 Using entity camera <a-entity camera>. camera is static at all times while the objects or markers are moving
Sample20 This example using 512x512 marker. To Rotate and Scale with USER input

* Sample 1 With qr code square pattern ;)
Sample 2 Working with Three.JS https://threejs.org
Sample 3 AR.js + instascan
* Sample 4 jsartoolkit5
Sample 5 Three.js + QR Code + working sample code
Sample 6 Three.js + QR Code + Webcam as background
Sample 7 three.js + three.ar.js
* Three Js + Background Cam three.js + instascan
ar js + jsQR AR.js + jsQR
* jsartoolkit5 jsartoolkit5 + three.js + instascan
Identify QR Code position three.js and jsQR
jsartoolkit5 with QR Code
Sample 13

Sample14 three.js sample
Sample15 AR.js sample using Square.patt(working demo)
Sample16 AR.js sample using D.patt
Sample17 Development